My mission
What can the audience expect?
Empathy in leadership: How to recognize and address the individual needs and motivations of employees.
Communication strategies: Effective communication as the key to successful leadership.
Motivation and engagement: Practical guidance on how leaders can increase the engagement of their teams.
Success strategies: Best practices from national and international contexts for successful change and how to lead teams through change together.
Interactive elements: Best practices from national and international contexts for successful change and how to lead teams through change together.

With over 30 years' experience in international business management and team development, Anita Glombik brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insight. Her speeches are not only inspiring but also profound, full of practical tips and strategies that can be implemented immediately.
Anita Glombik in numbers
About me
My father was a carpenter, and when there was no other help available, I was put to work as a small child. I never heard "You can't do that". This helped me to become the person I am today and to follow a path in life that led me from middle school to becoming a business manager. The desire to help people discover their potential has always been at the forefront of my mind. Leadership is my passion!
Human - inspiring - supportive

Alle Videos
Britta Kief
“Anita is a highly professional leader, competent in her business at all levels, but what really impressed are her leadership skills. Staff at each level like to work with her due to her engagement skills, her empathy and her approachability, but also because of her authentity."
Morgan Guilherme Marques
"I’m lucky to have worked with Anita for more than 20 years, a manager who’s not only interested in the company’s goals, but also in the employees professional growth."
Susanne Isselhorst
“She challenges and encourages her employees and makes her team feel responsible. I myself really enjoyed working with Anita - even in challenging, stressful times, it was always possible to exchange ideas with her, reflect and develop new paths together.”
Excellence Award
Anita Glombik was awarded the “Excellence Award” by Herman Scherer.